
We proudly present the Nestlé® Collection, a comprehensive line of food products offering taste, quality and nutrition for every stage of life. Nestlé® is a globally recognised brand for its commitment to providing delicious and trusted food and beverages, ensuring moments of pleasure and well-being for millions of people around the world.

Discover the diversity and quality of the Nestlé® Collection and enjoy delicious and nutritious moments in your daily routine. Whether for breakfast, afternoon snack or any occasion, our products are ready to satisfy your cravings and meet your dietary needs with confidence and unrivalled taste.

15 products

  • Original Lactea Flour - 360g


  • Nestum Cereal Flour and Honey - 300g


  • Mucilon Multicereal Cereal - 400g


  • Chocolate Crunch Cereals - 375g


  • Nestum Zero Rice Flakes - 250g


  • Mucilon Rice Cereal - 400g


  • Corn Mucilon Cereal - 400g


  • Nestum Flakes, Cereals and Honey Zero - 250g


  • Kit Kat Cereals - 330g


  • Cerelac Non-Dairy Flour


  • Cerelac Dairy Flour 5 Fruits - 250g


  • Fitness Cereal - 375g


  • Chocopic Cereal - 375g


  • Cerelac Apple - 250g


  • Cerelac Banana and Orange - 250g



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